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Monorail Design
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The scope of this calculation module is to analyse and design a monorail using a standard hot-rolled or user-defined built-up sections, generally used for lifting and support machinery items during installation and maintenance. The section profile can be either standard hot rolled I-sections or built-up sections. For the selected section with the applied loading, the arrived moment and shear will be checked against allowable moment and shear capacities including serviceability check for deflection and vibrations.
- The module allows the user to select steel section from standard British steel table or frame a user-defined section for design requirements.
- While selecting the standard hot rolled section, the user is allowed to choose any one of the following type of section:
- Universal beam
- Universal column
- Compatible to design monorail for various conditions as below:
- Simply supported
- Cantilever
- Continuous span (both simply supported and cantilever)
- Effective restraint factor for the supports shall be selected by the user based on support conditions.
- Depending on hoist wheel arrangements, the module allows the user to select 2 or 4-wheel loading conditions.
- User has an option to input wheel spacing based on hoist wheel arrangements, accordingly the wheel loads on beam are calculated by the program.
- Based on British code requirements, the module performs vibration check and provision for beam flanges to be considered as stiffened flanges.
- The module allows the user to input the deflection limit ratios for following conditions,
- Simply supported
- Cantilever
- and checks the actual deflection against input limits.
Design Considerations
- The elastic and plastic section properties of the section were taken from steel table for standard hot-rolled sections and for user-defined sections the properties are calculated by program.
- Load due to self-weight of beam are calculated by program and considered for design calculations
- The program calculates moment and shear capacity for sections based on its classification under ‘Plastic’, ‘Compact’ or ‘Semi compact’.
- Program allows the user to select the effective restraint factor based on flange condition for both simply supported and cantilever beams
- Module accounts for section classification as per Eurocode provision and moments were calculated based on such classification.
- In-case of difference in section classification between web and flange element, then effective cross section of the section is adopted for calculation.
- The effect due to continuous beam has been considered while calculating the deflection for cantilever beam under continuous beam condition.
National Standards Available
British Standard
Europe Standard
- BS 5950-1:2000 - Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 1: Code of practice for design - Rolled and welded sections.
- BS 2853:1957 - Design and testing of steel overhead runway beams.
- EN 1993 - Design of steel structure - Part 1-1 : General rules and rules for buildings.
- EN 1993 - Design of steel structure - Part 6 : Crane supporting structures.
- Ver 1.0 - Original version
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