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ECMASONRYCOLUMN - Masonry Column Design
This part of user manual describes how to use ECMASONRYCOLUMN for the design of Masonry Column. ECPlus applications are designed as wizard type which is a step by step guided input procedure. If you are new to ECPlus applications, click here for general guidance.
Prerequisites: The user is expected to have a basic understanding of foundation design concepts.
The minimum input data required to use this application is as follows:
- ❶ Dimensions of masonry column
- ❷ Masonry types and Masonry construction types
This page allows to enter the dimensions of the masonry column.
Height - hEnter the overall height of the masonry column.
↔ Range: 1000 to 6000 mm
Enter the width of the masonry column.
↔ Range: 150 to 2000 mm
Enter the thickness of the masonry column.
↔ Range: 150 to 2000 mm
Masonry Properties
This page allows to enter the properties of the masonry such as type of masonry, compressive strength and mortar design, if define masonry type is checked in Property Settings.
TypeSelect the type of bricks / blocks used for the masonry column.
Compressive Strength of Unit - puSelect / Enter the compressive strength of the selected unit.
↔ Range: 5 to 150 N/mm2
Select the mortar designation from the drop down list.
- Note: Masonry properties are based on Table 2 of BS 5628-1:2005
This page allows to enter the characteristic compressive strength, if define masonry type is unchecked in Property Settings.
Characteristic Compressive Strength - fkEnter the characteristic compressive strength of masonry.
↔ Range: 1 to 50 N/mm2
Masonry Construction
This page allows to select the category for masonry unit and construction control, if define masonry construction is checked in Property Settings.
Masonry Unit Category - MC
Select the masonry unit category from the drop down list.
Construction Control Category - CCSelect the construction control category from the drop down list.
- Note: Masonry Construction inputs are based on Table 4 of BS 5628-1:2005
This page allows to enter partial safety factor for compression, if define masonry construction is unchecked in Property Settings.
Partial Safety Factor for Compression - γm
Enter the partial safety factor for compression.
↔ Range: 1 to 5
Design Loads
This page allows to enter design load and eccentricity for the calculation.
Applied Factored Vertical Load - V
Enter the factored vertical load to be applied over the masonry column.
↔ Range: 0 to 15000 kN
Enter the eccentricity of load along thickness of the masonry column.
↔ Range: -1000 to 1000 mm
Enter the eccentricity of load along width of the masonry column.
↔ Range: -1000 to 1000 mm
Design Setting
Setting for Design Data such as defining masonry type and masonry construction are presented in this section. This setting pop-up can be accessed by clicking the bottom panel below the left navigation.
Property Settings
☐ Define Masonry Type
Check this box to select the masonry properties as per Code provisions. On unchecking, enter characteristic compressive strength value manually in Masonry Properties menu.
☐ Define Masonry ConstructionCheck this box to select the masonry construction as per Code provisions. On unchecking, enter partial safety factor for compression value manually in Masonry Construction menu.
Error Handling
Errors and Warnings are generated to prevent any inadvertent error in the input data. This section describes how to handle the errors and warnings. These errors are displayed at the bottom of the input page when the data in one or more input fields invalidate each other.
- Note: Out of range errors are displayed next to the input field.
# | Error | Reason | Solution |
1 | Error : Compressive strength of unit should be greater than | Compressive strength of unit is insufficient according to the selected block type. | Increase the value of compressive strength of unit with respect to the block type selected. |
2 | Error : Compressive strength of unit should be between | Compressive strength of unit is either lesser or greater than the recommended value. | Enter the value of compressive strength of unit as recommended. |
3 | Error : Design Loads – Load Eccentricity Along Thickness 'ext' is beyond Column – Thickness 't' | Eccentricity of load provided is greater than the column thickness. | Increase the column thickness or decrease the eccentricity of load. |
4 | Error : Design Loads – Load Eccentricity Along Width 'exb' is beyond Column - Width 'b' | Eccentricity of load provided is greater than the width of the column. | Increase the width of the column or decrease the eccentricity of load. |
5 | Error : Column Width 'b' should not be more than '4*t' | Thickness of the column should be atleast four times the width of the column. | Increase the thickness of the column or decrease the width of the column. |